1. Purpose, Aims, and Potential Effects
2. Work Plan and Schedule of the IBiZ-CIntED duration of phases
3. Business costs and personnel
4. Participating Scientists and Advisory Council of the IBiZ-CIntED
5. Summary


1. Purpose, Aims, and Potential Effects

1.1. Purpose of the IBiZ-CIntED Project

The purpose of the IBiZ-CIntED Project is to give young people with addictive disorder a chance for integration into society through clinically informed, evidence based educational intervention.

Targeted are clients between approx 16 to 35 years of age afflicted with substance use disorders ( related to illegal drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, alcohol), gambling addiction, anorexia nervosa, workaholism and similar conditions.

The sustainable reintegration of this group of resourceful, energetic and young people into productive society has a potentially stabilizing effect on urban, demographically disadvantaged groups while enriching the host city´s culture, improving its economy, and generating significant down-stream cost savings from obviated medical, criminal-legal and social services use.

The program is designed with scientifically based behavioral health Clinical Outcome Assessment instruments for effectiveness controlling. Its mainstay is a specially designed, repetitively applied diagnostic intervention, CIntED-HRA, an iterative Human Resources Augmentation that uses a combination of relief of blockages, talent training, and formal education.

The Guiding Principles for the design of the intervention are:

  • regularity
  • responsibility for self, personal goals, group effectiveness, and Center mission
  • enhancement of integrational ability through improved language & speech competency
  • supplication of certifiable practical work experience (art, crafts, and trades in Center-run work shops)
  • learning of cooperative behavior and productive problem solving
  • exercising interdisciplinary projects
  • cooperative and individual learning&teaching methods directed to prepare & pass school examinations (basic, medium, advanced leaving examinations)
  • regular theater projects (to combine the above mentioned aims and faculties)
  • In-service-training (two times 4-weeks/year)

1.2. Aims of the IBiZ-CintED Project

To help clients overcome addictive proclivities, behavioral limitations, and mental blockages.
To enable clients to explore the richness of talents or fields of talents and to make use of the unused potential of the addicted
To stimulate the self esteem of addicted persons
To show and make public means of educational chances against all forms of addiction by supporting and challenging the self and personal talents
Influence public mind concerning the origins of addiction through traumatic experiences (e.g. all kinds of acts of violence and abuse especially in childhood and youth)
Induce publications in the above mentioned fields

1.3. Potential Effects of the IBiZ-CIntED Project on Affected People and their Families

Hope for addicts after cure and therapy for an individual independent professional life
Hope for addicts for economic self support

Access to professional training and universities
Selfconsciousness, self esteem

Reduction of relapses per addict

Positive feed back on addicted families through therapeutical steps

1.4. Potential Effects of the IBiZ-CIntED Project on the Public

Influence public and private acceptance of addiction phenomena origins

Change of attitudes in society towards addiction and addicts

Additional improvement and deepening methods of previous therapeutical measures

Long term savings in social budgets through reduction of relapses
Economic independence of ill people affected by addictive diseases

1.5. Potential Effects of the IBiZ-IntEC Project on School Politics

Influence development of school system by proving and publishing results of challenging and using youths' potentials especially in puberty by

Cooperation with students and teaching body of KSFH München (Joint Venture, already going)

Public appearance of IBiZ-CIntED student body (regularly at the end of terms)

Follow-up of participants showing small term/long term results
Project evaluation, publications

Enrichment of society through release of human potential

2. Work Plan and Schedule of the IBiZ-CIntED duration of phases

Courses Students (age ~ 16-35) Work Plan &Schedule Duration of Phases
I Entrance all Basic techniques, full time 3-6 months
II Basic Students without exs Basic School Exs, full time 9-12 months
III Advanced Students with basic exs Advanced Exs, full time 9-12 month
IV Upper Grade Students with advanced exs Leaving exs for Univ., f.t. 2-3 years

Admission to the IBiZ is open to addicted mentally handicapped persons after cure and therapy. All students start in Course I: Entrance Course.

I Entrance Course: A clearing house for all students.

In Course I students become familiar with social processes, creativity training, and work experience.
During Course I they are able to decide whether to proceed or leave the centre.
Individual participation depends on personal development and the possible step into one of the courses II to IV after regular Human Resource Analysis.

II Course for Basic School Examinations

Admission after successful participation in the Entrance Course
As in Course I main topics are social processes, creativity training, and work experience in IBiZ-CintED craftshops and In-service-training two times per year (each time for 4 weeks - IBiZ-CintED assisted).
Formal education with respect to Basic Examinations.

III Course for Advanced School Examinations

Admission after successful participation in the Entrance Course
As in Course I main topics are social processes, creativity training, and work experience in IBiZ-CintED craftshops and In-service-training two times per year (each time for 4 weeks - IBiZ-CintED assisted).
Formal education with respect to Advanced Examinations.

IV Course for Leaving Examinations
(limited: open to technical universities; unlimited: open to all universities)

Admission after successful participation in the Entrance Course
As in Course I main topics are social processes, creativity training, and work experience in IBiZ-CintED craftshops and In-service-training two times per year (each time for 4 weeks - IBiZ-CintED assisted).
Formal education with respect to Leaving Examinations takes more time than in courses II/III.

3. Business costs and personnel

Business costs include inventory, rent/energy/water expenditure, transport for excursions and projects, overhead, further vocational training etc.

Costs for personnel are based on small group activities ( changing numbers of participants between 6 to maximum 12 persons)
Personnel: Teaching Personnel: Artists/Master Craftsmen/Teachers
Care and Psychology: Social Workers/Psychologist

Parts of the costs for personnel (Care&Psychology - C&Ps) are provided by the District Administration of Upper Bavara (Bezirk Oberbayern).
Two social workers are budgeted in the District Administration of Upper Bavaria for the fiscal year 2002.

Rise in expenditure
in the second and third years of IBiZ progress begins
with the installation of level IV:

addition of courses related to students
addition of teaching personnel
addition of personnel for counselling, including regular supervision for all levels

Not included in the budgeted costs:

Parts of school inventory e.g. furniture (provided by the city administration of Munich)
Investment in machinery and tools for the work shops (provided by the Herrhausen Foundation) and
Change, reconstruction, and adaptation of buildings Change, reconstruction, and adaptation of buildings (provided by the Software AG Foundation)




First fiscal year
30-40 students

Teaching personnel Personnel (C&Ps) Administration Op.costs/Transport Total pa
€ 300,000 € 83,500 € 112,000 € 240,000 € 735,500

Second fiscal year after start
40-60 students

Teaching personnel Personnel (C&Ps) Administration Op.costs/Transport Total pa
€ 540,308 € 186,500 € 125,000 € 230,000 € 1,081,808

Third fiscal year after start
60-75 students

Teaching personnel Personnel (C&Ps) Administration Op.costs/Transport Total pa
€ 605,161 € 212,033 € 130,000 € 240,000 € 1,187,194

Final extension to planned full capacity for 130-150 students incl Transport Total pa
  € 1,963,000


4. Participating Scientists and Advisory Council of the IBiZ-CIntED

4.1. Michael Brater, PhD, MA (born 1944)

Sociologist. Management Consultant.
Co-founder of the GAB Gesellschaft für Ausbildungsforschung und Berufsbildung
(Professional Training Research Co.), Munich.
Emphasis on Methods of Professional Training; Action Oriented Learning; Structural Changes in Work Processes and Consequences for Education; Modern Forms of Management and Structural Changes in Enterprises; Development of Models.

4.2. Sebastian Lorenz, MD, MPA, CHE (born 1968)

Chief of Staff to the Chief Medical Officer/Member of the Konzernleitung (Board of Executive Directors) of Hirslanden Holding AG, Switzerland´s premier multi-hospital chain, Zurich.
Prior positions: Head of Ressource Management, Inselspital Bern University Hospital; Head of Clinical Outcome Assessment and Resident in Adult Psychiatry/Psychotherapy in Canton of St. Gallen Psychiatric Services. Founder and CEO of CareMetrics Inc. and CareMetrics Consulting GmbH, in USA and Switzerland, respectively, a group of hospital consulting firms specializing in Behavioral Health Quality and Services Research and Consulting. Facilitator in Health Policy, Harvard Executive Seminars; Certified Healthcare Executive, C.H.E., and Member, American College of Healthcare Executives; Member, American Psychiatric Association; Member Swiss Society for Health Policy; founding member and member of the advisory board, Institute for Leadership Development, Bonn; graduated from Harvard University´s Kennedy School of Government with an M.P.A. degree in public administration, health policy and management; graduated from Freiburg University with an M.D. (Dr. med.); studied Medicine, Philosophy, Law and Languages in Freiburg, Tromsö/Norway and at Harvard Medical School.

4.3. Prof Harm Paschen, PhD (born 1937)

Chair, Systematics and Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Bielefeld/Germany
Memberships of Philosophy of Education Society (USA), Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (Germany), Advisory Board of Centre of Interdisciplinary Research (Bielefeld), Advisory Board of Laboratory School (Bielefeld), honorary medal 650th anniversary Charles University, Prague
Main topics: systematics of educational systems, pedagogical argumentation, progressive education
Research projects: pedagogical argumentation, evaluation of educational systems (experimental schools), participant in two EU projects in Eastern Europe

4.4. Martin Schmidt, MD (born 1955)

Senior Physician, Bezirkskrankenhaus BKH Kaufbeuren, Bavaria
Inaugural dissertation on Non-Invasive Reflected Spectroscopic Drug Analysis
Head of the Centre for Addictive Medicine, BKH Kaufbeuren
Clinical Coordinator for Medical Treatment of Addicted Persons

Studied Philosophy and Medicine in Munich/Germany. MD 1992
Specialist in Psychiatry
Publications on Natural Philosophy, Anthropology, and Addictional Medicine

4.5. Ernst-Friedrich Harmsen, GCE (born 1943)

Developed IBiZ-IntED project in Munich, Bavaria in cooperation with Florian Reichert-Schmiedt
Child Advocate DAD/Gerichtsverfahrenspfleger - Anwalt des Kindes

Development of Upper Classes Curricula: Interaction of School and Practical In-Service Training
Follow-up of Learning Results of Drama Work on Upper Classes Students
Advisor for Upper Classes School Development -Dresden/Vienna/Haan-Gruiten/Landsberg/Dar-es-Salaam
Member of Boy Scout Movement 1954-1967, Hamburg
Studied history, sociology, public law and Russian in Hamburg, Germany and Monterey/USA, Aachen and Frankfurt universities
Additional studies in geography and pedagogy, Hamburg/Germany
Teaching and examination experience in secondary schools (I+II), In-Jail Teaching, Waldorf schools

5. Summary

Therapeutical institutions discharge patients with short term psychological stability but without the additional necessary qualifications for professional work.

Relapses result - as in revolving doors - as long as addicted people are not qualified equivalent to their talents. They show the ineffectiveness of therapeutical processes without further maturation and additional education.

The IBiZ-CIntED project has been planned to fill this important gap.

The IBiZ-CIntED project has developed an integrated new approach to overcome addiction related handicaps after cure and therapy by using effective and scientifically tried and tested educational measures which are generally neglected in formal school education.

The IBiZ-CIntED project is based on a combination of highly effective creativity training, learning of craftsmanship and formal education.
The size of the working groups is equivalent to that in therapeutical settings.
Regular practical training sessions in business and crafts are part of the curriculum.
The students become a responsible part of the overall pattern.

The IBiZ-CIntED project was verbally supported by ministers and ministries of the Free State of Bavaria, by the Committee of Education (Bildungsausschuß) and the Committee for Social Affairs (Sozialaus-schuß) of the Bavarian Parliament, by the representatives for drug affairs of the District Administration of Upper Bavaria and of the city of Munich as well as by most Bavarian drug therapy institutions.

The IBiZ-CIntED project development was financed from 4/2000 to 3/2002 by

RGU Department for Health and Environment Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt RGU
RAW Department for Work and Economy Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft RAW
City of Munich Landeshauptstadt München
Employment Exchange Munich Arbeitsamt München

The Bavarian Ministry of Education accepts the necessity of such an institution but is not willing to finance it as a school, since it differs from state schools, which eject addicted ill youths into their disabilities without qualifying them according to their talents.

The Bavarian Ministry of Education offered an insufficient amount of European Funds (ESF). The result was that the city of Munich did not accept the main financial burden, arguing that it funds the living expenses of the IBiZ-CIntED students in any case.

As soon as the project is basically funded both the District Administration of Upper Bavaria and the Employment Exchange Munich will attribute to the budget.
So will the above named foundations.
Two social workers are budgeted in the District Administration of Upper Bavaria for the fiscal year 2002.



Johanna Langmann
Dipl. Ing. Reinhard Lidl
Florian Reichert-Schmiedt
RA Wiglef Schoepplenberg
Dipl. Pflegewirtin Hilke Weiser

Projektleitung/Project Manager:
Ernst-Friedrich Harmsen


Schwiftingerstrasse 6
86899 Landsberg/Lech

Tel/Fax: 0049 8191/943277

VR-Bank Landsberg
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